Bookings emails going to Spam

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  zwazo 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #21975

    Hello Stephen,

    I have found that my booking emails are getting blocked by my email spam filter (apache spam assassin).

    Other notifications are being delivered, such as registration requests.

    Do you have any suggestions for preventing the booking emails from being categorised as SPAM?


    Hi Louise,

    I’m not familiar enough with Spam Assassin to offer any specific advice, however they do have this page with a link to some detailed advice:

    Stephen Harris


    You may have a look at this service . It will give you an address to send a mail to (use it as your user test mail and make a booking to generate a mail) . You will get an analysis to help in sanitizing your mail if they are caught by the Spam filters.

    All the best!

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