Bookings Confirmed even when PayPal Payment not Complete

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Bookings Confirmed even when PayPal Payment not Complete

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Apologies if this question has been addressed and answered else where. I’ve just added the pro extention to take bookings via my workshop site here:

    Everything is working fine – but on testing I found that if you click through to paypal to make a booking – but then hit the back button without actually making a payment this is registered as a booking having been made – with email confirmation sent out to both booker and event organiser. Is there any way of making sure that people are only registered as having booked if they have completed payment in paypal.

    Many thanks indeed for your time in answering this!

    alex parsonage

    Hi Alex,

    I’ve not been able to replicate this. When the user is redirected to the PayPal, a booking is created (which depending on the options, may or may not reserve the spaces). Only after the payment is confirmed (and PayPal sends an IPN to the site), is the booking also confirmed (and the bookee is e-mailed with tickets).

    Can you confirm whether or not the booking status is ‘pending’ after an aborted PayPal payment?

    If the status is pending, then for some reason the bookee is receiving an e-mail (the admin may receive an email when the booking is made, rather than just confirmed, again depending on the settings). If the status is confirmed after you’ve aborted a payment, then that would certainly require further investigation. (Feel free to get in touch via this form.)

    Stephen Harris
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