Bookings admin table

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David McCourt 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #16926

    Hi Stephen

    I’m trying to amend the bookings admin table columns with the following code:

    function banana__wpe_booking_columns($columns) {
        $columns['test1'] = "Test1";
        $columns['test2'] = "Test2";
        return $columns;
    add_filter('manage_event_page_bookings_columns', 'banana__wpe_booking_columns');

    This doesn’t work and I think it may be to do with the screen->id because if I use this on posts, it works:

    add_filter('manage_posts_columns', 'banana__wpe_booking_columns');

    I did have the Modern Tribe Events Calendar plugin installed (now removed) but I know that creates an event post type. I don’t know if that might be an issue.


    David McCourt

    You’ll need to use a later priority:

    add_filter('manage_event_page_bookings_columns', 'banana__wpe_booking_columns', 15 );

    (I’d forgotten that when I provided the snippet).

    Stephen Harris

    Appreciate the quick response. Thanks Stephen, that works.

    Final question: how to get the booking form additional fields? I can’t get any of these to work:

    $org = get_post_meta($item->ID, 'organisation');


    $org = eo_get_booking_meta($item->ID, 'organisation');


    $event_id = eo_get_booking_meta($item->ID, 'event_id'); 
    $org = get_post_meta($event_id, 'organisation');


    $event_id = eo_get_booking_meta($item->ID, 'event_id'); 
    $org = eo_get_booking_meta($event_id, 'organisation');


    David McCourt

    Hi David,

    Each field added to the form as an ID, you can get the associated data via:

    $value = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, $element_id, true ); 
    Stephen Harris

    Hmm. Can’t get this to return anything. I can see the data in the postmeta table but an empty string is returned. The element ID is just the number?

    $org = eo_get_booking_meta($item->ID, 4, true);

    $item->ID is the same as the booking_id

    David McCourt

    That’s correct.

    My previous response was incorrect, the key is meta_4 (for an element of ID 4)

    Stephen Harris

    Perfect, thank you!

    David McCourt
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