Booking Warning Message Query

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    I’m just wondering if there is a way I can turn off the “You have already booked for this event” message or change it so it is specific to the date the user is trying to book?

    Basically we have a series of recurring events that people can book each week, but if they booked the week before this message appears and it is confusing the users as they haven’t actually booked for the date they are looking at.

    Rebecca Rumble

    It’ll be possible to remove this (properly) in v1.11.0.

    For now you can hide it via:

    .booking-notice-prio-booking{ display:'none';}

    or you can remove/change it via the eventorganiser_booking_form_notices hook, but this would involve using regex.

    It’s also possible to add additional notices via that hook, however, you can’t “change it so it is specific to the date the user is trying to book”, because you don’t know which date the user is trying to book (yet). You could, though, list the previous dates booked.

    Stephen Harris

    It’ll be possible to remove this (properly) in v1.11.0.

    For now you can hide it via:

    .booking-notice-prio-booking{ display:'none';}

    or you can remove/change it via the eventorganiser_booking_form_notices hook, but this would involve using regex.

    It’s also possible to add additional notices via that hook, however, you can’t “change it so it is specific to the date the user is trying to book”, because you don’t know which date the user is trying to book (yet). You could, though, list the previous dates booked.

    Stephen Harris
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