Booking tickets – performance low

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking tickets – performance low

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #38654


    It takes 23 seconds for the booking to be processed after a user submits a booking.
    How can i best increase this performance?



    Any tips?
    Here is the url to the event mentioned



    It’s hard to provide generic advice on how to address a performance issue. This isn’t an issue I’ve seen in testing or reported by others, and in your case it is a very long delay (10 seconds for me), and not just a “little bit slow” – so that would suggest that there is something which is taking a lot of time.

    I would recommend using xdebug’s profiller to try and isolate exactly what is causing the delay.

    Stephen Harris

    REST API route definition missing the required permission_callback argument

    __return_true should be used.

    This would be my best guess right now 🙂



    That’s just the logs. What you’re after is xdebug profiler (

    Stephen Harris
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