booking questions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 months ago.

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  • #43763

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the great plugin. I’m currently trying to add booking functionality but I ran into a few obstacles:

    1. Booking form in a popup. I placed the [event_booking_form] shortcode in an Elementor popup window. The form displays great, however when I hit Submit, the event page is loaded with errors. Is it possible to prevent this, perhaps with a callback parameter?

    2. Booking Email. I have found a list of placeholders here but none for time of event, address or event URL. I think I found a solution here but perhaps there’s a simpler solution?.

    3. Automatic reminder. I would like to send out a reminder email to bookees 2 days before an event. Is that possible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Paul

    Paul Schroeder
    1. I’m not 100% sure but I wonder if the click event is failing to register as its inside a pop-up. Without seeing the site it’s hard to say but it does seem like that if the page is reloading (it shouldnt). Are there any errors when the page loads? That can sometimes cause the booking form not to function correctly.

    2. The second parameter of %event_date% let’s you pass in a time parameter. E.g. %event_date{jS F Y}{ H:i}%. You can omit the date part if you just want the time.

    There is a %event_url% and event_venue (name) , event_venue_address (Street address), event_venue_city, event_venue_postcode, event_venue_country tags albeit undocumented.

    1. This is possible. A cron job can run daily to fetch events starting in two days time and retrieve bookings for those events. Depending on the number of events and bookings you may need to batch the job or queue the emails (and mark which ones are sent) but for a 10s of events per day with ~100 bookings you could do this relatively simply. This tutorial explains how to that “simple” approach:
    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Stephen Harris
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