Booking notification e-mail

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew Shankie 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8155

    Hi Stephen and others

    First of all, just want to say what an amazing product you’ve built. It does just what I need and is dead easy to use.

    Well, except for one thing! I set up my WP site with my personal email address and now want to transfer the site to my client. But at the moment, I can’t work out how to change the email address to which booking notifications are sent. Any idea how I do this?



    Andrew Shankie

    Hi Andrew,

    It uses the email set in WordPress’ Settings > General.

    The next update (1.5) will add a filter so that email can be changed independently of the admin email (but no UI).

    All the best,

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    That’s great—don’t know why I didn’t spot it.

    Glad to hear about the update in 1.5.


    Andrew Shankie
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