Booking Management

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    So far, we’ve only used Events Pro for one booking at a time.

    We’re wanting to set up a whole series of events, but I cannot see a feature on the bookings page which will allow me to filter the bookings by event.

    Am I missing something?


    Shannon Walbran

    Hi Elizabeth,

    If you click the event name in the event column (or the event date, for recurring events) you can display all bookings for that event (or occurrence, if you clicked the date).

    There are plans to add additional filters for event/date in 1.10.0

    Stephen Harris

    Additionally you can view bookings for a particular event/date via the admin calendar. Just click the event in question.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for the speedy reply, as always!
    In the additional method, I click on the event a box opens with two tabs. The bookings tab appears blank for an event with 6 bookings.
    Is there a potential bug?
    P.S. What’s the estimated date for the update?

    Shannon Walbran

    If there are bookings for that specific date, then they should appear on that event’s booking tab in the admin calendar – so if you’re not seeing them, then yes that’s a potential bug. (I’ll send a follow up e-mail regarding this).

    There is no fixed date at this point, but it shall be around early to mid January.

    Stephen Harris
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