Booking Form – Thanks you message

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking Form – Thanks you message

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16458

    Hi Stephen – hope you’re keeping well 🙂

    We are trying to customise our Thank You message on the booking form for those who pay via paypal. I’ve read the following resources: and and set up a filter accordingly:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_pro_get_option_booking_complete_message_paypal', 'paypal_booking_complete' );
    function paypal_booking_complete(){
    return 'Thank you for your booking. You will receive an invoice and confirmation of your booking shortly.';

    but we’re having no joy …..perhaps you can see what I’m missing?

    Michael Waugaman

    Hi Michael,

    Where did you place that code snippet?

    Stephen Harris

    it’s in functions.php

    am aware of advice regarding using a utility but in our situ our theme is not going anywhere 😉

    Michael Waugaman

    I moved the above reply here, since I think this was the intended thread. After digging into this it appears there a bug in that the PayPal encodes the hash tag in the return url. The handling of messages based on the gateway used is at this point very basic (and needs to be revisited) – and this unfortunately breaks it.

    A work around is to use the generic (gateway agnostic) filter:


    If you are using other gateways, you can change the message back again (or to something else entirely) by using the gateway specific hook:


    Where {gateway} is replaced by the gateway identifier.

    Stephen Harris

    Right – so just to make sure I get this straight:

    1) we have an issue with the paypal filter
    2) work around to get paypal mssg to work is to set a general filter for all messages
    3) other gateways (we only use paypal & free) can then be handled directly as tried with paypal to start with …..

    got it & as always, thanks for prompt support 🙂

    Michael Waugaman
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Michael Waugaman.
    Michael Waugaman

    That’s correct!

    Stephen Harris
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