Booking Form Shortcode ?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kim Harding 8 years ago.

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  • #11382

    Hi All

    Can you please give me some more information about this shortcode.

    I really want my bookings to appear on some pages outside of the Event posts, I tried adding the shortcode but nothing happens on the pages with the code.

    I am getting the ID from the booking form section in the settings. eg one is 2199..

    Jody Brown

    Hi Jody,

    You need to use the event ID not the booking form ID.

    More.details can be found here:

    Stephen Harris

    Ok thanks

    Figured it out, found ID similar to how i find page ID’s in wordpress
    now working fine 🙂

    Jody Brown

    How do you find the event ID?

    Kim Harding
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