booking form not working

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Waugaman 10 years ago.

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    we have recently moved servers with an older version of EO pro which suddenly stopped working yesterday. Have since upgraded to sparkling new EO Pro but though booking form is showing, nothing happens on submit … no email, no record in database ….. any ideas where to start looking?

    example at

    Michael Waugaman

    Hi Michael

    I checked that page, and the booking form had been commented out <!-- ... --> (perhaps this was deliberate). Anyway, I uncommented the form in my browser and was able to test this, and it worked as expected. (So you may see an offline booking from me).

    I also made a PayPal booking (which I did not complete), with booking ID 29259.

    Depending on the settings you may/may not receive an e-mail regarding the above. If these don’t appear in the bookings page, then there may be a conflict with a another plug-in installed…

    which suddenly stopped working yesterday

    I would start looking at any changes made to the site just prior to the booking form not working. Any settings changed / plug-ins added or updated etc.

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, client was nervous about missing bookings so we removed form from public view to avoid confusion. Your bookings came thru fine and I am now aware of other issues on the server that were likely culprit.

    Thanks for the quick response – realise that it was a vague request!

    Michael Waugaman
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