Booking form: mandatory fields and field order

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking form: mandatory fields and field order

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10717

    Hi Stephen,

    For the booking form, I’d ideally like the user’s Last Name to be mandatory. Also, I’m including the user’s phone number (which I would also prefer to be mandatory) among the custom fields, but I feel it looks a bit odd for that field to be separated from all the other user info at the top of the form by the ticketing section. It would be nice if the phone field could sit beneath the email field.

    Is there any way these changes can be accomplished without major surgery?


    Ronya Banks

    Never mind the part of the question about rearranging the placement of the form fields. Apparently I’ve never seen a drag n’ drop interface before! 😉

    Ronya Banks

    Hi Ronya,

    Currently the bookee’s name/last name/e-mail fields are automatically added at the top of the form (where appropriate). There will be changes to this in 1.8! (1.7. is currently in beta!). From 1.8 these fields will appear in the form customiser so you have more control over placement and options.

    Stephen Harris
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