Booking form – how to move description above the input field

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking form – how to move description above the input field

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jiri Richter 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #33593

    I’ve bought the Pro plugin and really appreciate the customizability and transparency of the inner workings.

    One thing I can’t get a grip at is how, in a booking form, to move the description above the input field (or any field).

    I’ve located the template files for the fields, but I can’t see a way how can I override them. All the other templates in your plugin can be overriden just by putting a template of the same name in the root folder of my theme, but for the fields templates that doesn’t work.

    Could you help me out with that?

    Jiri Richter

    If you copy the templates from templates/booking-form into the room of your theme directory then it should pick them up. E.g. copy eo-booking-form-input.php from that folder to the root of your theme, and there you can make the appropriate changes.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks, I was doing it wrong!

    Jiri Richter
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