Booking form failing accessibility test

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking form failing accessibility test

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Web Team 7 months ago.

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    we have a public sector site which uses the booking form for events, which works great and exactly as they want it.

    Unfortunately their accessibility tests are flagging the booking form for a couple of issues. The main one is autocomplete being set to off in the



    It would also be useful to be able to edit the autocomplete value per field, like placeholder as well. For example autocomplete=”given-name” autocomplete=”family-name” for first name and last name.

    If there’s a neat way (hook, action) to get autocomplete working that would be great.

    Kind regards,

    Web Team

    Hi Simon,

    The template which renders the <form> tag can be found in templates/eo-booking-form.php. This file (and all other files in that directory) can be copied to your theme (or child theme) and will take precedence over the file in the plug-in. In this way you can make any necessary template changes, and it’ll survive plug-in updates.

    I will look into adding an option for setting the autocomplete attribute for the various fields

    Stephen Harris

    Hello Stephen,
    thanks for the update.
    I should have really updated this to say I have done that and edited the templates for the form tag and some of the field types (name, address, email). That works well has improved compliance.

    I think what would be very useful from the admin side is an autocomplete field for standard field types, for example being able to add something like ‘organisation’ to a standard input field.
    On advanced fields an autocomplete would be handy to distinguish between field types, for example a work/personal telephone type.

    Editing the templates has really helped.

    Thanks again for the reply.
    Kind regards,

    Web Team
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