Booking Form CSS

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #11288

    Hi Stephen,

    My developer is trying to understand how to use the CSS Class for the fields in the booking form.
    My Sterling (child) theme has a sidebar, so I need to fix most of the fields with CSS.

    When we add a custom CSS class to each field label (in Booking Form), why does the class not show in Html? How do we use this CSS class? For example, after adding Paypal to my existing Offline payment how do we get them both (with label) in one single line :


    Miho Karlic

    Hi Miho,

    The custom class should be added to any user input elements (textarea, input, select etc). If there are any element(s) which do not seem to observe the custom class option, let me know as it may be an over-sight. (I have noted that the gateway class ignores this option).

    Regarding the gateway selection: this is forced to be vertically stacked via <br> tags. The mark-up will change in 1.8.0 and altering this via CSS will be a lot easier. 1.8.0 shall be in beta in the next few weeks.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen,

    None of the elements seem to observe the custom CSS class. enter link description here

    You can see what we are fighting with.

    Miho Karlic

    Hi Miho,

    This is part of the planned change with 1.8.0, but prior to that update the bookee details (name, e-mail) are not part of the form customiser and so don’t have a custom class option. The only other fields on that form are the select & terms and conditions fields, and they appear to work for me.

    Stephen Harris
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