Booking fee

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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  • #9626

    Is there a way of adding a ‘booking fee’ to a ticket order? I need to be able to add ‘postage and packing’ costs onto a booking. I can’t see a a way of doing thsi n the admin panels.

    Barry Meadows

    Not currently, though ‘priced fields’ are on the roadmap. (See related topic: )

    Stephen Harris

    I think my client is going to want this feature; do you think the ‘add on merchandise’ could be tweeked to supply this?

    Barry Meadows

    Yes, as per the snippet on that thread, you could add an additional item to the PayPal cart: the “booking fee”. But you will want to make it clear to your users that a booking fee will be applied before they get to PayPal. One way would be to add a row to the booking form ticket table. The VAT extension does that to add a VAT row and adjust the total as it appears on the booking form. If you wanted to checkout the VAT extension – its available for free here:

    When ‘priced fields’ are added, a add neat way of adding a booking fee would be to add a ‘priced’ checkbox which is required to be checked. Which will make it clear to the user that a booking fee will be applied.

    Stephen Harris
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