Hi Stephen,
Today I had someone make a booking on the site – they elected to pay via PayPal but never completed the payment (I’m checking why they didn’t).
As the site admin, I received a booking notification email but the event organiser (a different user profile on the site) did not. I assume the definition of the ‘event organiser’ is the name attributed to the actual post in the event post-type list?
Not sure how to troubleshoot this one so advice appreciated.

Paul Oaten
Hi Paul,
The event organiser doesn’t, by default, receive e-mail notifications. But this page explains how you can enable that.

Stephen Harris
OK Stephen – thanks for the link.
I would suggest that the ability to control who gets email be added to your list of things to add in (I’m sure it already is) as many devs who build sites for clients and then maintain them, don’t have admin profiles in the site for those users.

Paul Oaten
That’s a good point and I may at some point either include those options or change the default behaviour so it emails the event organiser (post author) rather than site admin, or perhaps even both.
However, that free extension is available to any who want to expose those options for the time being. My aim has been to keep the number of settings relatively low, while maintaining the flexibility of the plug-in. (There is nothing worse from a user’s perspective than a cockpit of settings*)
*I have entertained the idea of an “advanced settings” toggle to expose more options

Stephen Harris
“My aim has been to keep the number of settings relatively low”. Good point and totally with you there. There’s nothing worse than hundreds of settings to plough through. KISS is definitely preferable.
“Advanced settings” toggle to expose the settings for those that need them is a great way to go – plenty of precedents there (eg. Yoast’s Google Analytics plugin).

Paul Oaten