Booking Date Picker – Something weird…

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking Date Picker – Something weird…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joe Iadanza 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24792

    Hey Stephen,

    My date picker for recurring events is displaying a double month view (same month twice) and not highlighting the available dates.

    Here’s an example (scroll down to the bottom of the event listing):

    Any ideas?

    Joe Iadanza

    Hi Joe,

    It looks like the plug-ins “Booked” (or possibly “Booked WooCommerce”) are loading some javascript on the page which is causing this. You could try temporary disabling those plug-ins to verify if that is the case.

    Regardless, it appears they are loading javascript onto the page where it is not required.

    Stephen Harris

    Hmmm. Deactivated them and it’s still coming up like that.

    I’ll open up the template and see where the java script is coming from.

    If anything else comes to mind, let me know. Thanks!

    Joe Iadanza
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