Booking data in QR code attachet to Booking email

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Booking data in QR code attachet to Booking email

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 2 years ago.

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    My question is regarding to EventOrganizer PRO – Booking email.

    I have trouble to pass Booking specific data in QR code attached to Booking confirmation email.
    I have created custom email template, placed it in my custom theme, so far so good.

    I am able to use Booking data specified (such as %booking_reference%, %tickets%, %event_date%, %event_title%) in text part of my custom email.

    But when I try to pass these values in url, QR image is generated without it or not at all.

    QR code is generated dynamically from this code:
    img src="" alt="QR code"

    Is there a way I can use/store Booking data and pass it to this part of email please?


    kuba sanitrák

    Solved it myself.

    In case anyone ever needs faces similar issue:

    • I registered my own email tags for eo_pro (using file
    • their values are modified values of default eo email tags
      (event_title, booking_amount) – spaces in strings replaced with “+”
      and striped decimals and currency symbols from amount
    • In html markup of email I then pass these tags and QR image is generated on email submission

    Full markup for generating image with QR code payment instructions here:

    img src="" alt="QR code payment instructions"


    kuba sanitrák

    You can achieve this without editing the plug-in files directly (changes to the plug-in will be lost during an upgrade):

    <?php add_action('init', function(){ EO_Email_Template_Tag_Registry::register( 'qr_code', function($tag, $atts, $context ){ $event_id = $context['event_id']; $booking_id = $context['booking_id']; $html = "<p>desired html mark-up</p>" return $html; }); }); <?php endif; ?>

    See also and on where to put custom code snippets:

    Stephen Harris
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