Booking confirmation

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    I’m testing the booking facility in the Pro version
    As soon as I click the ‘book’ button, a booking is made. Is this correct – even though no payment is made? If I cancel the payment the booking remains. I would expect a booking to be made after payment has been processed.
    this happens whether or not the ‘reserve pending tickets’ is selected

    Barry Meadows

    Yes, that is correct, a booking is made as soon as the booking form is submitted and is valid.
    That booking is then assigned the “pending” status until the payment gateway returns confirmation of payment, which then changes to status to “confirmed”.

    The “reserve pending tickets” option counts “pending” bookings in the total number of tickets sold, and so makes sure that tickets aren’t oversold in the time that it takes someone to go through the payment gateway and change the booking status from pending to confirmed. This option is particularly relevant if you allow a slow payment method (eg offline payment, bank transfer) where you may have to manually confirm bookings or you have a large number of people booking simultaneously.

    The booking confirmation emails are only sent to the bookee once the booking is confirmed.

    If bookees abandon the booking after they submit it, but before they complete payment (as you described), then the booking will remain “pending” as the site will never receive a callback from the payment gateway.

    Stephen may have more to add to this explanation and may have suggestions for a workaround for you.


    Hi Barry,

    Just to reiterate what Dario has already said, a booking is created but not confirmed. This allows you to see bookings that have been initiated, but not yet paid, and if desired you can filter bookings by those that are ‘confirmed’.

    Pending bookings do not reserve a space at the event unless you have selected them to do so. This option is available for those who use ‘offline’ payment methods, and so there could be a considerable delay between a booking being made, and a booking being paid for (during which time you may not want other users booking their ‘places’ and so overbooking the event).

    Personally I would not use the ‘reserve pending bookings’ unless I was using offline payment methods.

    Stephen Harris
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