Book Users on Backend

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Brett Hall 3 years, 1 month ago.

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    Not sure if this is possible but would be a very useful feature and I have noticed it possible with other booking plugins (Fooevents).

    I would like to be able to book people for events on the backend. This would be useful as some people I work with aren’t very tech savy and it would be helpful to be able to do this for them for the first time. I have the Pro version 🙂

    Any suggestions?

    Jono Goss

    Hi Dylan,

    This wasn’t originally possible because the booking process was too closely coupled with the UI and also payment gateways.

    The latest major version might make this easier to implement: the admin UI could present the booking form, but not request payment and potentially immediately auto-confirm the booking. I’ll need to look into this to be sure though.

    Stephen Harris

    I was just searching if there was a way to add a booking on the backend and came across this. Any word on this? We have people who mail a check and we’d like to add their booking for them.

    Brett Hall
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