Book all occurrences of an event with 1 click

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Book all occurrences of an event with 1 click

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Benjamin Ogg 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #24718

    Hi Stephen

    May I kindly ask you for a tipp/solution for the following matter:<br />
    A yoga class is running every week on monday at 12pm.
    There are 15 available spaces (tickets).
    I created a recurring event (weekly) and added 15 tickets (sell by date).
    Some attendees are coming irregularly. Some attendees are coming on a regular basis (every week).
    Is it possible to book the regular attendees with one click (one booking step) for all occurrences?

    Thanks for your help and best regards,

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    Unfortunately not – when selling by date, a booking can only be for one date in particular. This assumption pervades the codebase, so it wouldn’t be possible to workaround this restriction.

    I have previously developed a ‘cart’ system for a client. This allowed the user to make several bookings, but only go through the payment system once. The user, however, would still have to go through and book each date separately – and these would be represented as separate bookings, even though the user only makes one payment to cover them all.

    Stephen Harris

    Dear Stephen

    Thanks for your quick reply. Would it be possible for the administrator to make the bookings with one click (no payment gateway needed) through the WP backend in favor of the attendee? Or maybe copying the event including the sold tickets of the regular attendees? Or maybe with the import of a CSV file?

    As in this case 80% of the attendees are coming on a regular basis, this function (in any way) would be quite important. If any development is needed, I certainly would pay for it.

    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    It would be possible to import a CSV file. There’s the function eo_insert_booking() (see codex) which you can use to create bookings, so you would need to extract the data from the CSV file and pass it to that.

    Unfortunately I’m not available to take on client work at the moment. You can take a look at this plug-in: – it’s for importing events, not bookings, and is quite UI-heavy, so it may be more than you need, but you could try to re-purpose that.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Thanks for your reply. Your hint helped. I must say: your plugin is one of a kind! Thanks for your excellent work!

    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg
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