Book 1 place at a class

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have an exercise class 5 days per week, which has 6 places. There is no charge to book the place so it’s a free ticket. I would like to make this a recurring event so that I don’t have to create a new one every day.

    Bookees will be logged into the site as WP members. I want them only to be able to book 1 place per class.

    However, I do not want them to be able to book a place more than 6 days in advance.

    Is there a simple way to set this up please?

    I have looked in the forums, but I cannot see anything that answers this question. It’s probably there I know

    Thanks Very much for the help.

    Chris Hirst

    Hi Chris,

    To prevent bookings 6 days prior to the event occurrence starting:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_bookable_occurrences', function( $bookable, $event_id ) {
        $next_week = new DateTime( '+6 days', eo_get_blog_timezone() );
        foreach( $bookable as $occurrence_id => $occurrence ) {
            if ( $next_week > $occurrence['start'] ) {
                unset( $bookable[$occurrence_id] );
        return $occurrences;
    }, 10, 2 );

    To restrict to a single booking please see this thread for how to use radio buttons instead of inputs:

    To prevent additional bookings to an event please this tutorial:

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, please just let me know.

    Stephen Harris
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