Behaviour of Stripe Expiry Year field

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Behaviour of Stripe Expiry Year field

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    I have stripe installed and it shows the “Card Number”, “CVC”, “Month” and “Year” fields.

    The “Month” and “Year” fields are “select” fields.

    When I click on the Month field the months drop down and I can interact with the field normally. However, the behaviour of the Year field is strange. When I click in the year field or on the drop down arrow, the drop down list appears briefly then disappears, and the drop down arrow on the other field, the Month field, flashes. The only way I can select a year is to hold the left mouse button down and then hover over a year and then let go the mouse button.

    Something is messed up here.

    Best regards

    Gary Handley

    Hi Gary,

    My apologies, this a known and fixed bug, but the update hadn’t been released. I’ll send you the latest update via e-mail just to confirm this and then properly release it.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen,

    I have recevied and tested Stripe version: 1.0.2 and can confirm that it resolves the “Year” field issue. Many thanks 🙂

    Best regards

    Gary Handley

    Thanks for confirming that.

    Stephen Harris
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