Batch creating events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    I want to create many recurring events wich have all same name, same category, same time but different dates and different content. With recurring events, I can only edit the content of all events, so I want to create an event for every occurrence. This would be very annoying if I do this for every event. Is there a possibilty for batch creating events oder making an event template?



    Hi Waldi

    Categories & venues can be applied ‘on mass’ via the bulk edit on the event admin screen (where the events are listed).

    You can also create a recurring event with the category, venue & date/times you want, and then ‘break’ the event (via the admin calendar – click on an occurrence and click the link to break it). Then you can edit the content of each date. That sounds like the most straightforward workflow for you.

    But keep in mind breaking an occurrence technically makes it an event its own right. An ‘event’ can only have one content associated with it – so for dates to have different content they must necessarily be ‘separate’ events.

    Stephen Harris

    The break function is nice. Now my problem is, that alle events name “event-name”, “event-name-2”, “event-name-3”. How can I insert the startdate automatically into the slug?

    Stephen Harris
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