Backend Fullcalendar remembers the last date

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature Backend Fullcalendar remembers the last date

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2880

    Hey Stephen,

    I have another feature request… 🙂

    The fullcalendar resets every time after an action to todays date. (the page reloads and leads to todays date)
    If I have a lot of occurrences to break from series it is a pain to navigate after every breaking back to the events date and klick it again for editing.

    I think it’s a big deal to achieve this but for the goal of a real good working experience.

    Cheers, Konrad


    Keep them coming! It’s all improving the plug-in 🙂

    I agree with what you say and with a button that can jump to ‘today’, it seems pointless to default to the current date.

    But I think the last date visited should be stored in the cache, and expire after 24 hours (or maybe 1 hour – what do you think?). Otherwise it might create the impression the calendar is ‘lagging’ – and its unlikely that someone will be wanting to revisit the same date every 24 hours, but no sooner.

    Can probably do this with ‘view’ as well.

    Opening ticket: (feel free to just create tickets too rather than posting here)

    Stephen Harris

    Holding the date for ten minute would be enough.
    It’s only for the moment you are working with the calender. An alternative way would be a not page refreshing calendar on action (via Ajax?) like Google calendar. But I think thats the more hard way to to and the other way with a cache would be fully enough for this.

    Thanks for opening the ticket.



    It works pretty nice!

    Thank You for your fast solution,


    No problem 🙂

    In case anyone else is confused, this feature will be in 1.7 (not released at time of writing).

    Konrad – did you make the changes yourself, or are you using the dev-1.7 branch:

    Stephen Harris

    I’ve taken the code pieces and include them manually because I didn’t know how stable the 1.7 branch was. I wouldn’t have interruptions with maybe other developed functions.
    So I can only speak for the modified code pieces out of the ticket.


    Should I test it for you with the 1.7 dev branch?


    You don’t have to. Dev branches are stable-ish. I try to ensure there aren’t any glaring bugs in a commit. 1.7 is due next month, I’m finishing off the last few major tickets and then it’ll be asking for beta testers 🙂

    Stephen Harris
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