availability for recurring events

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cinzia rascazzo 10 years ago.

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  • #14922

    I run events that take place several times per year.
    I set them up as recurring events however each date has different availability (as people just join one specific date).

    How can I organize events with your plugin to have the following working?
    1) Admin needs to create several series of recurring events ( about 200 x 20 for a year ).
    (Each recurrence should be treated as separate event? )

    2) User must see aggregated calendar for particular series.

    3) Booking Form should have a calendar that has all events aggregated ( one series, or category ).

    4) User should see how many free spaces are available when he selects event from an aggregated calendar.

    5) Some events types takes 1, 3, 4 or 7 days – is it possible to present that in a calendar?

    6) If event takes 7 days – it takes full 7 days, not 7 days day by day, that user could pick up interesting days.

    7) Calendar on booking form should select/highlight days according to the event length (not day by day)

    1. Admin calendar should aggregate everything so it would be possible to plan a day easily based on booking that are made.

    Thank you for your answer

    cinzia rascazzo

    1) – No, you can create a recurring event and “sell by date” (occurrence) (see http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/bookings/selling-your-first-ticket/)

    2) – It isn’t possible to display a calendar of events belonging to one particular occurrence. This shall probably be in 3.0.0 (Event Organiser).

    3) & 4) – When selling by date the user is prompted to select the occurrence they wish to attend. By default the remaining ticket places are not shown. This is possible, but would require some custom JavaScript to update these amounts when a date is selected. Or for a more static option, please see this snippet which can go in event-meta-event-single.php and include the tickets remaining next to the date.

    5-7 ) The calendar used to select the occurrence highlights only the start date of that occurence. This is because it’s a small “datepicker” calendar, and (potentially) overlapping event dates might confuse the user.

    At present there’s no option to generate a report for bookings for an event on given day. You can view / export (to CSV) tickets or bookings (bookings can contain multiple tickets), and in the next update an event/date search shall be added to help filter by event more easily.

    Stephen Harris

    How to make to update automatically some text with a value of occurrance_id MAX variable?

    My idea was:
    occurance-picker.js: add function in line 507 or/and 536: ( update and send it back to orginal folder )
    document.getElementById(‘spaces’).innerHTML = this.model.get( ‘quantity’ );

    Then add to the eo-ticket-picker.php :
    <td id=’spaces’> <?php echo $spaces; ?> </td>

    Could you help with it, please?

    cinzia rascazzo

    Try using the following (this must run after the plug-in’s javascript)

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {    
        eventorganiserpro.eoCart.get('event').on( 'change:occurrence_id', function( arg ){
            var tickets = this.get('tickets');
                $( '#eo-booking-ticket-'+ticket.get('id') ).find( '.cinzia-spaces' ).text( ticket.get( 'available' ) );
        }, eventorganiserpro.eoCart );
        //The default occurrence will already have been set, so this trigger is
        //is just so the above callback is called to reflect remaining spaces
        //when the page initially loads
        eventorganiserpro.eoCart.get('event').trigger( 'change:occurrence_id' );

    (I’ve used <tr class="cinzia-spaces"> as opposed to <tr id="spaces"> because 1) You don’t duplicate IDs on a page, 2) It’s good to namespace stuff 🙂 ).

    Stephen Harris

    thank you so much Stephen!
    your support is SUPER helpful. I am very happy i bought your plugin

    cinzia rascazzo

    Your welcome 🙂

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I am so sorry but would you mind taking a look at the “availability” thing as it is not working and I am finding it difficult to make it work::


    thank you so much

    cinzia rascazzo

    there may be something miss spelled.. if you could take a look i am sure for you it would be easy to fix this code.
    thank you!

    cinzia rascazzo

    You’ve set the ID to cinzia-spaces rather than the class.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    thank you so much! Your support is great and is making my life so much easier! This is the best plugin i could have bought and i will def recommend it to anybody looking for something super high quality!

    I have hopefully one last question for you……if you are still patient with me!

    It is still regarding the multiple day events.
    As you know i am trying to implement a multiselect day on the calendar so that my customers can select all days when the event takes place.
    So for example on this page: my events last 7 days:
    i got the information about the 7 days already. it is written in the custom fields.
    but this would be very useful for people booking my multiple day programs to know until which day the program lasts

    it looks like this extension from multidatespickr could make the job, if i knew how to implement this extension into your plugin.

    may be you could help me with this. i am not able to do it ….

    once again thank you so much for your great support!

    cinzia rascazzo

    Hi Cinzia,

    A multidatepicker wouldn’t be appropriate here. When you are selling by occurrence you only want the user to be able select a particular occurrence, not any date range they want. In deed – any occurrence (even long ones) is (currently*) uniquely determined by one date – the start date, which is why this used.

    Returning the example of long occurrences, I can understand the desire to have all dates of the occurrence highlighted when the user hovers over an occurrence on the datepicker, and to be able to select an occurrence by clicking of any of its dates. E.g. if an event has:

    • Occurrence 1: 16th-20th Feb
    • Occurrence 2: 23th-27th Feb
    • Occurrence 3: 2nd-6th March

    Then you might want the 16th-20th highighted as one block, and clicking on the 17th (for example) selects occurrence 1.

    There are a couple of problems with this however, the chief one being what if an event’s occurrences overlap. Selecting the 17th might be ambiguous as to which occurrence you’re selecting.

    But in any case, what you definitely don’t want is the user to be able to select the 16th and then select the 17th or the 27th: the first is booking ‘part’ of an occurrence, and the second two occurrences.

    An alternative option is to use the drop-down. By default this currently prints just the start date (this may change) but in any case you can edit the templates to change this so that the drop-down reads:

    • 16th-20th Feb
    • 23th-27th Feb
    • 2nd-6th March

    * (Currently because there is work being done on allowing occurrences to share the same date, but be at different times. Clearly then dates are no longer unique to an event within an occurrence, and this has some obvious implications for using a date-picker to select a bookable occurrence.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    as always thank you so much for your very prompt answer.
    I think i did not phrase my message correctly and you are totally right. I do not want a client to be able to select dates.
    My goal is that for multiple-day events, all dates of the occurrence are highlighted when the user hovers over the occurrence.

    Exactly what happens in the example here below called: Days Range Mode: Auto Select Range

    This would be very useful from the user point of view as he would know exactly which dates the occurence starts and ends.

    I understand that perhaps i am just one of the few people who will never have overlapping dates for the same time of occurence.
    But perhaps this could be an optional feature that people like me could choose to have in case of no overlapping dates.

    I thought of the alternative of the dropdown….but I watched a video provided by google about calendars and they suggest to have a real calendar showing which day of the week occurences take place.
    so that people know if Feb 16th is a Friday or a Monday. This would be make the booking much quicker.
    Also, if i choose a drop down alternative, this would also apply to the 1 day events and i will end up having a huge list of 1 day events (and again people would not know which date of the week they take place).

    therefore having the possibility to integrate this multidate picker into your code would be very helpful in terms of the user experience.
    Unfortunately i do not much about coding so i am not able to integrate without your help.

    Any way, thank you so much for your help.

    cinzia rascazzo

    sorry for the mispelling
    I understand that perhaps i am just one of the few people who will never have overlapping dates for the same TYPE of occurence.

    cinzia rascazzo

    My goal is that for multiple-day events, all dates of the occurrence are highlighted when the user hovers over the occurrence.

    Exactly what happens in the example here below called: Days Range Mode: Auto Select Range

    Ah ok, well given the example linked to I think it would be fine to highlight all dates of an occurrence once the start date of the occurrence is selected. (I.e. selecting other dates of an occurrences won’t/shouldn’t work as per my comment above).

    So I’ll look into highlighting all dates once the start date is selected, but it’s important to note that only the start date is selectable.

    I understand that perhaps i am just one of the few people who will never have overlapping dates for the same type of occurence.

    It’s rare, but I need to account for this sort of edge case. The aim is also to keep the software stable even at edge cases.

    … they suggest to have a real calendar showing which day of the week occurences take place.

    Agreed, it’s nice to give context. A calendar is usually better at doing this to, but just to say you could change the format of the drop-down to include the day of the week.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you so much for looking into it Stephen!!

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    best wishes and thank you SO MUCH for your time.

    cinzia rascazzo
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