Auto expire unconfirmed booking?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25275

    Hi Stephen,

    I get folks who book for an event but then decide to not follow through and pay. But then their tickets count towards the alloted ticket amount, and if they do it a few times, they can end up selling out the event without ever buying anything.

    Is there a way to auto-expire the unconfirmed tickets?

    Joe Iadanza

    Hi Joe,

    Are you collecting payment online or offline? If you’re accepting payment online you should not have ‘Pending’ bookings configured to reserver spaces (See Settings > Event Organiser > Bookings).

    There’s current no auto-cancel feature for bookings, but such a feature could be considered for a future release.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for getting back so quickly Stephen!

    folks go through to the paypal gateway… And if they don’t pay, the ticket languishes in unfulfilled destiny… lol

    Most of my events are small numbers of tickets. And it’s not uncommon for folks to submit to purchase and then not pay, only to come back later and try again. It would be great if those unconfirmed tickets could auto expire after, say 8-10 minutes. Kind of like the way concert tickets do on tickemaster…

    Not a terribly big deal, but if it makes it into a future release, I’ll certainly use it.

    Thanks again!

    Joe Iadanza

    In your case, you should probably set ‘Pending’ to not reserve any tickets (in the settings). Though I do see the merits of reserving pending tickets, and auto-expiring them.

    Stephen Harris
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