Amending eo-booking-no-account-prompt text in booking-form-handler.php

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Amending eo-booking-no-account-prompt text in booking-form-handler.php

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #21988

    Hello Stephen,
    I copied over includes\booking-form-handler.php to my child theme and amended the typo that says “Not got an account? Click here.” to “Don’t have an account? Click here.”

    The change didn’t propagate . I have cleared cache a couple of times too. I am wondering if it’s because we can’t child-theme files in the include directory. If so, how can I amend without touching the parent file?

    Bond Nwonye

    Hi Bond,

    Only templates are over-ridable by themes.

    Unfortunately this isn’t easily done. The only straightforward way I can think of would be to ‘translate’ that the text. I.e. copy the appropriate eventorganiserp-{locale}.po file into wp-content/languages and edit it there as desired. Then create a .mo version from this.

    You could just edit the core code, but you’d need to remember to make your changes after ever update…

    Stephen Harris
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