I’ve tried every solution on this forum to no avail. The customers still receive an email that has the WordPress Admin email (which is different because it’s for “admin” purposes rather than “event” purposes).
I used the plugin that is suppose to set the booking emails. But that plugin only works for the emails sent to people who organize the event (as I set).
I used the following code in my functions.php of my theme (is this not correct?) which I think forces the bookee’s email to use the admin emails set by the plugin.
function my_event_admin_email( $email ){
//Change $email;
return $email;
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_admin_email', 'my_event_admin_email' );
So I’m not sure what else to do, and hopefully you can help!
Westley Wamsley
Hi Wes,
That hook will populate the from header of the email sent to bookee. However, those emails are sent through wp_mail()
and so any plugin hooking into that could potentially change the headers or over-ride the ‘from’ address.
In particular, an SMTP plug-in might over-ride the from address if that is configured. Do you have any plug-ins that might be over-riding that?
The WP Mail Logging plug-in would be very useful here, as it it will show you the details of the email, so you can double check the headers that of the email.
Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the reply! I currently use the MailGun plugin to handle the sending of emails. It does have a a feature to allow overriding the email address, but it’s currently disabled. I just installed the WP Logging plugin you recommended, so I will report back once more tickets are purchased.
I’m rusty on my PHP, but what email does that hook pull? Can I modify that hook to a specific email address?
Westley Wamsley
Not sure I follow your question. By default the email is the admin email, as per WordPress’ settings, but you can use that filter to change it to any email.
Stephen Harris