Allow Logged-out Users to place bookings! Yes, but without creating an account.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Allow Logged-out Users to place bookings! Yes, but without creating an account.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    I don’t want to let anyone register on my site. Therefor I don’t want the registering optional but not at all. (Maybe if it’s disabled in WordPress itself, it’s not shown anyway. But I can’t prrof this as the license key is not accepted.

    Christian Zumbrunnen
    Christian Zumbrunnen

    Hi Christian,

    It’s not disabled, there are four options, for allowing logged-out users to book:

    1. No (do not allow logged-out users to book)
    2. Yes, but allow the user to create an account while booking
    3. Yes, and require that they create an account while booking
    4. Yes, but do not require an account.

    You want the 4th option. They will be asked to for an e-mail / name but won’t have an account created. You can also disable registrations for your website in WordPress’ settings – this is something entirely independent of Event Organiser.

    Stephen Harris
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