Allow Logged-out Users

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7838

    Hi Stephen,

    I just updated to Pro 1.4 as I wanted to get away from showing “Already registered?” or login options for my Booking forms.
    Whatever I choose in “Allow Logged-out Users to place bookings?”, this it still shows.

    I’m using WP 3.6.1, Sterling Child theme and your latest plugin eo + pro.

    Isn’t this update suppose to solve this?

    Miho Karlic

    Hi Miho,

    This was an oversight which will be fixed in 1.5. However there’s an immediate ‘fix’ you can implement, please see this thread::

    Stephen Harris
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