all addresses point to ocean – Pro plugin

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question all addresses point to ocean – Pro plugin

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Just bought the pro plugin (business licence), started to insert venues and every venue points to the middle of the ocean! The same spot, regardless of the address.

    Is this a bug? What can cause this and how can I make it work?

    Before buying I tried your demo, added a couple of venues and both worked right from the first try.

    My Example address:
    Rua Nova do Carvalho 24
    City: Lisboa
    Country: Portugal

    Thanks in advance

    Duarte Lourenco

    More details: All the maps point exactly to the coordinates: 0, 0

    When I try to input Latitude/Longitude and save, it just resets to 0.000000,0.000000 again.

    Guys, I really need assistance on this.
    Thank you

    Duarte Lourenco

    Hi Duarte,

    Thanks for reporting this. We’re currently investigating and shall issue an update as soon as possible.

    Stephen Harris
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