I’m wondering how to set up my form so that all the fields align.
First name, last name and email seem to be automatically added to every form but they are not visible in the back end.
On the front end visible to the user, they appear slightly to the left.
All the other fields that I have added to the form appear slightly to the right on the front end visible to the user.
Can you please advise how I set up my form so that it aligns properly.

Tina McCarthy
Hi Tina,
As a quick fix for the issue you can add:
#eo-booking-form .eo-bookee-details p{
margin: 0;
to your theme’s style.css
However this issue shall be addressed in 1.8 (not 1.7). In 1.7 there’s a lot of change to the way the plug-in handles booking forms, but there no noticable changes on the front-end. With those implemented 1.8 will be a much smaller update, largely addressing the issues you’ve raised (Name, e-mail, and “book” button all being brought into the form customiser).
This will cause some minor mark-up changes (though as you’ve noted, hopefully for the better). However, for those that have edited the template eo-booking-form.php
, some changes will be needed to update that template. The reason 1.8 will be a small, focused, update is so that efforts can be concentrated on ensuring its a smooth update, and that updating doesn’t “break” anything, but instead gives the user a chance to make any necessary alterations.
To be clear, only where the user has edited eo-booking-form.php
, will the user be required to do anything. The plan is currently to detect such an instance and alert the user to the changes. Additionally, for such users, changes won’t be immediate but request manual confirmation from the user.
I’ll be writing a blog post nearer the time regarding this .

Stephen Harris