agenda widget not working with 3.0.0

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question agenda widget not working with 3.0.0

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mel Fisher 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #21055


    After my upgrade to v3.0 my agenda widget is not working correctly… it always uses
    the day group and does not look the same? like the styling is corrupt maybe.

    I installed the older version and grouping works some but the styling is still not correct.

    Thank You

    Mel Fisher

    Hi Mel,

    What grouping have you selected and can you provide a link to the website (if not here, you can get in touch directly:

    There were some changes to the agenda widget including mark-up and styling, but the plugin styling was updated accordingly. Had you implemented your own stylinhg for the agenda widget?

    Stephen Harris


    I added no styling… and selected the week and month groupings. sometimes it works but the styling is messed up so I cant see dates. This is with the agenda widget.

    on the home page is a widget using my page builder.. and on the temp menu
    click the temp men item to see the widget added to the sidebar…

    the sidebar one seems to work by week now but the dates etc are gone.

    I have disabled all the plugins and tried the widget with the same results. I removed the v3 plugin and install the old one.. and it did the same…


    Mel Fisher

    Hi Mel,

    What the settings for the widget (specifically the date formats). I can’t see any styling issues: the event date/times are simply not there.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi again,

    I tried the agenda widget on a different site and the same problem. Are others having a display problem also with the agenda widget?

    On the home page the widget is added with the page builder. See setting..
    Title: Weekly Stuff ..
    Group by: Week
    Group date format: l, jS F
    Event date/time format: D g:i a
    Include ‘Add To Google’ link:

    you can click on the pagebuilder menu item at the top to check the widget settings.

    The sidebar widget (temp menu item at the top) works in week format but the styling is not correct..

    Things worked fine on both sites until the upgrade….

    Thanks Mel

    Mel Fisher

    Hi Mel,

    This is what I’m seeing:

    enter image description here

    Apart from the bullet point which is being added by the theme, I can’t see much wrong with how its displaying.

    You can get rid of that bullet point by adding the following to your theme’s stylesheet:

    .eo-agenda-widget ul li {
        list-style: none;
    Stephen Harris

    Hi steven.

    if you look again at the site:

    On the home page it looks fine but it only works in days.. not week or month format!

    if you click on the temp menu item at the top, it works in week format but the styling is not the same…?

    Both locations are using the agenda widget… on the home page I’m using the beaver builder plugin. (which worked fine before the upgrade) and the other location at the top meny as a sidebar widget.

    I have tried this on my other site and get the same results.. since the initial upgrade to v3.x I have tired several things including using the old v2.x.x which worked before. So I’m pluzzled…


    Mel Fisher

    Hi Steve,

    Update on my problem… 🙂

    I used a plugin that allows me to run widgets on a page and when I do it this way
    the week format works…

    My only questions is can I add a space between the days that are listed in the agenda widget? as u can see they are all pushed together.

    There must be a issue between your upgrade and a pagebuilder update… but I can live with it if I can add a space between the days ..


    Mel Fisher


    You can make the days larger with the following:

    .eo-agenda-widget li.event {
         line-height: 26px;

    It appears the theme is applying that to some widgets an not obvious (probably determined by where they are on the page).

    Did this happen with the 3.0.0 update? I suspect that Event Organiser is doing less to style the widget, which means the theme’s styling is applied.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Steven,

    yes I think the updates to the theme (Divi) and the page builder (Beaver Builder)
    has caused the changes depending upon how the widget is added to the site.
    Now I am using the “AMR shortcode any widget” plugin which seems to fix things.

    I have tried v2.13.x and v3.x.x with the AMR plug and its seems ok. I wish I could style the agenda more. I will try the:

    .eo-agenda-widget li.event {
    line-height: 26px;

    Thank You & close this ticket

    Mel Fisher
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