Advanced Custom Fields on venue

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  José Morin 10 years ago.

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    When creating a field groups on Advanced Custom Fields, I can set a rule to display it on an event edit page. Unfortunately, I don’t see how to display it on a venue edit page. Is there a way to use Advanced Custom Fields on venue?

    Since venue are taxonomy, I should normaly be able to use ACF on Taxonomy term edit page, as explain here.

    When i edit my ACF field group, I can add a rule to select which taxonomy I wish for the field group to show on. If I set “Event tags”, the field group will indeed be display on an event tag edit page. But if I select “Venue”, it is not. I guess it is because an event tag and a venue are not using the same kind of edit page: the first one uses “edit-tags.php?taxonomy=event-tag&post_type=event” while the second one “edit.php?post_type=event&page=venues”. I don’t see why since both are taxonomy term.

    Anyway, I’m working on the website of a 10 year old amateur festival where events are located in many venues. I would really like to be able to add boolean field and if possible checkbox and date

    Here is the kind of field I would like to add:
    – Open: true/false (radio)
    – Participation: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (checkbox)
    – Opening date: dd/mm/yyyy (date)

    Do you think there is a way to do it?
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  José Morin.
    José Morin

    HI José,

    I see – I hadn’t realised that ACF also supports taxonomies. The reason why they don’t appear is (as you’ve spotted), the admin page for venues is different – this was the layout of the default taxonomy page was not suitable for managing venues. Unfortunately, this means that ACF doesn’t work with Event Organiser venues – that said, I suspect that it would be possible to get the two to work together, and I’ll look into that for you. If not (or if you prefer), I could provide the code for creating those fields on the venue admin page.

    Stephen Harris

    That would be great if you can have a look. Depending on the time you’ve got, either solutions are fine for me (and more than I expected). Of course, it would be better to be able to use ACF, since it is a really well done plugin that is widely used, but I can perfectly create those field myself if not possible.

    Thanks a lot!

    José Morin

    No worries José – after looking at ACF it does seem possible but I believe it would be generally easier to add the fields yourself. So I’ll be in touch in the next day or two with the necessary code to do that.

    I will also contact the author of ACF to see if some improvements might be made to the plug-in to facilitate integration with custom admin pages.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    if you have the time to give me the necessary code to use advanced custom field on a venue page, it would be great.

    Here is the kind of field I would like to add:
    – Open: true/false (radio)
    – Participation: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (checkbox)
    – Opening date: dd/mm/yyyy (date)

    The first one (boolean field) being the most important for me.
    Thank you a lot in advance,

    José Morin

    Hi Jose,

    Apologies, this one slipped the radar.

    Here’s the general code for creating custom metaboxes:

    The example in the tutorial is just a text input:

    <?php $time = eo_get_venue_meta($venue->term_id, '_opening_times',true); ?>
    <label> Opening times:</label> 
    <input type="text" name="my_opening_time" value="<?php echo esc_attr($time);?>" >

    But you can change that to anything. E.g. radio:

    <?php $open = eo_get_venue_meta($venue->term_id, 'open' ,true ); ?>
    <label> Open:</label> 
    <input type="radio" name="my_open" value="1" <?php checked( $open ); ?> />
    <input type="radio" name="my_open" value="0" <?php checked( !$open ); ?> />

    (The checked() function just prints checked="checked" if the argument resolves to true).

    Checkboxes are similar:

    <?php $participation = eo_get_venue_meta($venue->term_id, 'participation' ,true ); ?>
     <input type="checkbox" id="participation-2010" name="my_participation[]" value="2010" <?php checked( in_array( 2010, $participation ) ); ?> /><label for="participation-2010"> 2010</label> 
     <input type="checkbox" id="participation-2011" name="my_participation[]" value="2011" <?php checked( in_array( 2011, $participation ) ); ?> /><label for="participation-2011"> 2011</label> 

    Here I’ve used the meta keys open and participation. To prevent collisions in the $_POST global I’ve prefixed these with my_ (feel free to change this). So in the my_save_venue_meta() callback you can retrieve the “open” value from $_POST['my_open'] and the participation array by $_POST['my_participation']

    To display these details on the event page, simple edit the event-meta-event-single.php and include the following:

      $open = eo_get_venue_meta( eo_get_venue(), 'open' ,true );
      if( $open ){
           //Is open
          //Not open
      $participation = eo_get_venue_meta( eo_get_venue(), 'participation' ,true );      
      echo 'Participation: '. implode( ', ', $participation ); //Prints e.g. Participation: 2010, 2013
    Stephen Harris

    Thank you a lot for the great support. I’ve made the change today and the venue has now all the datas I need. Radio, checkbox and datepicker, it all worked like a charm!

    BTW, it would be a great feature to be able to select venue by custom field, in the venue map shortcode 😉

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  José Morin.
    José Morin
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