I just updated my site to 3.5, which includes the update to jQuery 1.8.3. When I try to ‘include/exclude occurrences’ in the admin, nothing happens and I get this error in the JavaScript console: “Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on buttonset prior to initialization; attempted to call method ‘enable’ ” . Any ideas of what the issue is? Have you tested the plugin in 3.5 yet?
Hi Micah
Are you using 1.6? 1.6 has been tested with 3.5.
1.5.7 hasn’t (because 1.6 worked ). If you are using 1.6 you may wish to deactivate other plugins in case there is a conflict.
Stephen Harris
I am currently using version 1.6 of the plugin. I disabled all the other plugins and am still seeing the same error in the JavaScript console on the event edit screen in the admin. Oddly enough, I am not seeing the error on the ‘Add New’ event screen. I am only having issues with editing existing events. Currently, I cannot alter the dates for existing events. Particularly, the ‘Include/Exclude occurrences:’ link doesn’t reveal the calendar and I the ‘#’ link is actually followed because of the JavaScript error.
Hi Micah,
Sorry I totally forgot to post here. Someone else reported this problem. It actually only effects weekly occurring events. Its since been fixed and I’ll be releasing 1.6.1 shortly. (See this ticket for more information: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/17).
Stephen Harris