Additional "name" fields in form

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  CupOfTea696 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    I was wondering if you guys could add the possibility to add additional “name” fields in the admin form editor. At the moment I’m using a normal input field but it looks a little odd since the name field above is two input fields on one line, and the additional name is either only one field or two fields but on separate rows.

    Thanks in advance!


    There’s no UI to add a ‘name’ field – though this may change. But you can add a name field using the form API: (where the type parameter is name).

    The name field additional arguments to your standard element:

    • label_fname – The label of the first name field
    • label_lname – The label of the last name field
    • lname – (bool) Whether a last name field should be included
    • lname_required – (bool) Whether the last name is required
    Stephen Harris

    Awesome, thanks!

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