Additional forum/support login

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5840

    Hi Stephen,

    I mentioned that I have a friend working with me on the project I’m doing. Would it be possible to get a login for him so he can access the forums and support documentation for Pro, please?




    Hi John,

    I’m afraid this isn’t possible – access is automatically granted/denied based on the license key associated with the email address your account is using. He can still access the forums but only those who’ve purchased Pro can post to the forums or access the tutorial.

    Unfortunately the only immediate solution would be to share the user account.

    Stephen Harris
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To enable me to focus on Pro customers, only users who have a valid license for the Pro add-on may post new topics or replies in this forum. If you have a valid license, please log-in or register an account using the e-mail address you purchased the license with. If you don't you can purchase one here. Or there's always the WordPress repository forum.