Adding the date to the event title

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sue 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #16941

    I’m doing a fresh install of WP and plugins due to moving to new host.

    Ages ago, you edited my single-event.php file so that when an event displayed, the date also appeared in the heading.

    Can I use the same single-event.php file? The one I have is about 18mths old (but still works on the original site).


    Hi Sue,

    If the theme is the same then you can. Otherwise then probably not as the mark-up of that file will be different to what the theme is expecting.

    Stephen Harris

    Ah. Well, I’m also performing a “cosmetic uplift” on the site, so the theme is different. I’ll try to do a diff on the two files and see what carnage I can incur. I’ll be back if I really bork things 🙂

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