Adding multiple time instances to a recurring event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Adding multiple time instances to a recurring event

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    I’d like to set up an an event which recurs daily at say 7.30pm but also weekly at an earlier time (say 3.30pm) but as far as I can see it’s only possible to set up a single recurring time for an event.

    e.g the event occurs at 7.30pm Mon to Sat but also at 3.30pm every Saturday.

    Is this possible?

    Jon Gedny

    It’s possible to manually change the times of individual events (by dragging it in the calendar admin page) but unfortunately not according to a pattern.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for the reply – using your solution above would it be possible to have 2 events on the same day though? I still don’t see how I can create two times for the same event?

    If this isn’t currently possible is it something that may be added in the near future? I’d imagine many venues may have evening and matinee performances for example.

    Jon Gedny

    Hi Jon,

    Unfortunately that’s not possible. I do hope to provide that ability in the future, but it’s not currently being worked on and so I’m afraid I can’t give a definite time frame.

    Stephen Harris
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