How easy is it to add custom fields like COST, GENRE, HEADLINE ACT, SUPPORT ACT.. etc to the event-organiser-edit.php? eg in the _eventorganiser_author_meta_box_title area?

Currently there is no API available that allows you to do this without editing the core files. However, events are just a post type so you can still use custom fields, or register your own metabox

Stephen Harris
I added custom fields with a wordpress custom field plugin, then adding php echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘field’, 1 ); to template like in Worked fine. Next I would like to get my custom fields to show in list of all events and I it would be nice to know how.

Simply edit the appropriate template: to include get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘field’, 1 )

Stephen Harris
I meant the All Events page in admin area. I think it’s event-organiser-manage.php and there not a template for that. Or i’m doing something wrong. Great plugin btw.

Ah I see, events are just ‘event’ post type, so you can additional columns as you would any other post type, see this post.
The event-organiser-manage.php
(source) uses the same method to add/remove columns from that page.

Stephen Harris
Thanks for the info. Managed to get it to show what I needed.
