Adding a custom field for event organiser

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Adding a custom field for event organiser

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Susie Brew 5 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi – We have been using Event Organiser for a few years (we are licence holders as well). In recent months, we have had more events where the organiser is not the location of the event. Is it possible to add a customer field for the Organiser and then use it to filter events on the website?
    Thank you.

    Susie Brew

    Hi Susie,

    Events are just custom post types, and so support WordPress’ custom fields, and the associated API it provides.

    However, if you wanted to categorise events in a way that the plug-in will automatically understand (and provide filters for calendar, widgets and pages) you can use event categories, tags and venues – would any of those be appropriate?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen – yes I need something that the short codes will recognise. I haven’t used Tags, so possibly this will do the trick.

    Is this a development that you are considering in the future? There seem to be more and more companies holding events at different locations and so an easy way of listing them would be a good improvement.

    Many thanks

    Susie Brew
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