Hi Stephen,
I am sorry I am bothering you again. We need to sent some event depending information to the attendees with the confirmation email (or booking_confirmation email)
First I wanted to use custom fields for this but that is (for me) much too complicated. Than I found the place holder tag %event_excerpt% and my thoughts were as follows: if we add the additional information to the excerpt of a event we can add it to the confirmation email.
I tried to add this to the confirmation email but it doesn’t work. Within the email it is not recgocnized as a field you can add to the email like %event_date% or %event_venue% .
Is it possible to add the excerpt to the confirmation email or do I need to approach it differently? Suggestions?
Thank you for your reply!

Alex Hofstra
Hi Alex,
There’s a tutorial on how to register custom e-mail tags. The following should do it (I’d recommend prefixing any custom tags with something so that they don’t conflict with any plug-in tags that might be introduced):
Note: this requires WordPress 4.5+ to work because of how get_the_excerpt()
is used.
//Register the placeholder
EO_Email_Template_Tag_Registry::register( 'alex_event_excerpt', 'alex_event_excerpt_placeholder_callack' );
//Define the callback for this placeholder
function alex_event_excerpt_placeholder_callack( $tag, $atts, $context ){
//$tag is 'alex_event_excerpt'
//$atts is an array of attributes used with the tag
//$context is an array indexed by 'booking_id', 'event_id', 'occurrence_id' etc. with
//appropriate values for the context of the e-mail.
$value = get_the_excerpt( $context['event_id'] );
return $value;

Stephen Harris
Super, thank you! Made the changes and it works fine.

Alex Hofstra