Add day to the calendar ?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jody Brown 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #12071

    Hi Stephen.

    I it possible in the “day” view to add the day of the week

    eg. Sunday 13/7 instead of just 13/7 ?


    long shot alos but there is no ability to be able to share your bookings with other users right ?

    Jody Brown

    Yes, you can use the titleformatday attribute:

    [eo_fullcalendar defaultView="agendaDay" columnformatday="l n/j"]

    But that’s the default value – so you shouldn’t need to change it.

    long shot alos but there is no ability to be able to share your bookings with other users right

    How do you mean? You book for yourself and another user on the site? If so, unfortunately not at this time.

    Stephen Harris

    Awesome thanks Stephen

    Code for Calendar worked great.

    No problems with booking shares, knew it was a long shot. I have installed a plugin that allows the My events pages to be saved as a pdf then users can share to friends etc.. works well 😛

    thanks again

    Jody Brown
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