Hi Stephen,
I am using the attendee questions addon with:
‘id’ => ‘attendee-name’,
$columns['ticket_first_name'] = 'Ticket Holder (first name)';
$columns['ticket_last_name'] = 'Ticket Holder (last name)';
Is there a snippet that adds the names to the confirmation email so they print by the ticket number?
Many thanks,

Alex Steer
Hi Alex,
The filter eventorganiser_email_ticket_list
filters the entire content that replaces the tickets placholder in e-mails.
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list', function( $booking_table, $booking_tickets, $booking_id, $template ) {
$total_price = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'booking_amount' );
return /*whatever you return replaces the tickets placeholder*/;
}, 10, 4 );
You could use that but you would have to create the content from scratch.
The original function for defining the content of that placeholder is in event-organiser-pro/includes/email.php
(~line 381): eventorganiser_email_ticket_list()
. You use that as the basis of your callback for the eventorganiser_email_ticket_list
(Obviously don’t include the apply_filters( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list',...
line as otherwise you’ll cause an infinite loop).
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
Stephen Harris. Reason: Corrected example

Stephen Harris
add_filter( ‘eventorganiser_email_ticket_list’, function( $booking_id, $template ) {
$booking_tickets = eo_get_booking_tickets( $booking_id, false );
$total_price = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'booking_amount' );
$booking_table = sprintf(
'<table style="width:100%%;text-align:center;">
<thead style="font-weight:bold;"><tr> <th>%s</th><th> %s </th> <th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr></thead>
__( 'Ticket', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Price', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Ref.', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Attendee', 'eventorganiserp' )
foreach ( $booking_tickets as $ticket ) {
$booking_table .= sprintf(
'<tr> <td>%s<td> %s </td> <td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>',
esc_html( $ticket->ticket_name ),
eo_format_price( $ticket->ticket_price ),
$name = eo_get_booking_ticket_meta( $ticket->booking_ticket_id, '_eo_booking_meta_attendee-name' )
$booking_table .= apply_filters( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list_pre_total', '', $booking_id );
$booking_table .= sprintf( '<tr> <td>%s</td><td> %s </td> <td></td></tr></tbody></table>', __( 'Total', 'eventorganiserp' ), eo_format_price( $total_price ) );
return array( $booking_table, $booking_tickets, $booking_id, $template );
}, 10, 2 );
I’m not sure what I am doing wrong – im guessing it’s to do with the way I am returning?
I have place this before the eventorganiser_notify_confirmed_booking filter.

Alex Steer
You want to return $booking_table
, not an array.

Stephen Harris
Cheers, the table head is displaying correctly now but the actual tickets are not there.
Can you see any reasons why that would occur in the code above?

Alex Steer
Hi Alex,
My apologies, my example was in correct. I have since corrected. There were two changes:
- The arguments: were extended from
( $booking_id, $template )
to ( $booking_table, $booking_tickets, $booking_id, $template )
- At the very bottom you have
10, 2
. This was changed to 10, 4

Stephen Harris
Thanks Stephen – I have this working now. This may help others so the code is as follows:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list', function( $booking_table, $booking_tickets, $booking_id, $template ) {
$booking_tickets = eo_get_booking_tickets( $booking_id, false );
$total_price = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'booking_amount' );
$booking_table = sprintf(
'<table style="width:100%%;text-align:center;">
<thead style="font-weight:bold;"><tr> <th>%s</th><th> %s </th> <th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr></thead>
__( 'Ticket', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Price', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Ref.', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Attendee', 'eventorganiserp' )
foreach ( $booking_tickets as $ticket ) {
$name = eo_get_booking_ticket_meta( $ticket->booking_ticket_id, '_eo_booking_meta_attendee-name' );
$booking_table .= sprintf(
'<tr> <td>%s<td> %s </td> <td>%s</td><td>%s %s</td></tr>',
esc_html( $ticket->ticket_name ),
eo_format_price( $ticket->ticket_price ),
$booking_table .= apply_filters( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list_pre_total', '', $booking_id );
$booking_table .= sprintf( '<tr> <td>%s</td><td> %s </td> <td></td></tr></tbody></table>', __( 'Total', 'eventorganiserp' ), eo_format_price( $total_price ) );
// return $booking_table;
return $booking_table; }, 10, 4 );

Alex Steer