A more comfortable handling of occurences of recurring events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature A more comfortable handling of occurences of recurring events

This topic contains 23 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Denise Wunder 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #29056

    Hi Stephen,

    even if you can not implement everything I asked for, I’d like to thank you that you

    • want to prevent the plug-in from resetting the times of the
      occurrences when trying to add or remove a new date,
    • want to change the 30 minutes intervalls to 5 minutes and
    • like to allow editing the event’s scheduling detail from one
      screen in future.

    Nothing is perfect, but you are closer than anyone else!

    Thank you so much!

    Denise Wunder

    Hi Stephen,

    may I ask you when the changes will be released? We desperately need these functions.

    Would you please make it possible that in individual mode of occourrences new dates get the value from the previous date? This would help very much because we don’t have to time adjust each new date we add.

    Thanks so much again!


    Denise Wunder

    Hi Stephen!

    It seems that our prayers were heard by you!

    Thank you for publishing EO 3.6.0!!!

    Denise Wunder

    Hi Martin,

    Sorry, I didn’t get chance to reply to your above message, but yes, 3.6 was released on Saturday 🙂

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen!

    Thank you for your latest bugfixing (3.6.1 and 3.6.2)! Especially the “Bug where clicking on the venue tooltip could cause the map to overflow the container” was a little unslightly one. I didn’t want to annoy you with this bug report too 😉

    I better want to annoy you with the awaited feature to allow editing the event’s scheduling detail from one screen 😉 Do you still have it on your screen?

    Best regards,


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by  Denise Wunder.
    Denise Wunder

    Hi Martin,

    That feature is marked for 3.7, however, development hasn’t started yet on this, it’s still being planned out.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    all in all, that sounds very nice!

    Let me say a few things on the occasion. As you already know I use your outstanding plugin as a timetable / room planner for our teachers / students / music-lessons at our music school. The teachers are the event organisers (WP authors) and our rooms are the event venues.

    Please do not scold me for asking you again about different venues for different occurrences of one recurring event.

    Do you really see no way to assign different venues to each occurrence of a recurring event?

    I mean, when we talk about a list to get an overview of all occurrences (which we can add or remove) with details like starting time (which we can edit), why is there no way to specify a different venue for each occurence?

    As you can imagine, our teachers and their students have to switch the rooms from time to time. To create new events for actual one music lesson – only because of changing room – is so time consuming and confusing if you manage hundreds of students.

    I understand when you argue that event organiser should only be a plugin for ‘classic’ events. Just let me say that there is no useful WP plugin solution for colleges or similar, who have recurring events with some irregularities (starting time, venues / rooms and actually time duration too).

    Thank you for your patience…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  Denise Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  Denise Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  Denise Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  Denise Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  Denise Wunder.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  Denise Wunder.
    Denise Wunder

    Unfortunately not, since the dates of an event are only values stored in a separate table. they aren’t an event post type.

    Since they aren’t an event post type they cannot be assigned to venues (an event taxonomy), only their parent event can.

    Stephen Harris

    I’m not sure to understand you correctly.

    As I understand event venues are a WP taxonomy that can only be assigned to WP post types (in our case events). The recurrings of a single (parent) event aren’t a part of WP post types. Recurring datas are stored in a seperate table and cannot be aissigned to WP taxonomies (venues).

    I think that there must be a way to assign different venues to different recurrings. It certainly entails strong changes on the core, and from your point of view, the effort is not worthwhile.

    But what about publishing a new add on for event organiser for extra pay? An add on for school sceduling to manage teachers, students and rooms (venues). There are cloud based solutions for that where you pay up to £ 100 – per month! Ok, the comparison lags ’cause these are complete school management solutions with accountings module and fee calculation for teachers and students. But that gives you an idea.

    Let me know if you are sure that you will not see a way. In that case I would think about my backup plan to engage a web developer for doing that.

    Best regards,


    Denise Wunder
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