A bunch of questions

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Esbjörn Börjeson 11 years ago.

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  • #9993

    Hi there,

    We have used your plug in for a couple of month,
    and we like like it.

    Some questions:

    1) How do we allow a more wide format for the form?
    2) How do we include all booking details in the confirmation mail to the bookee?
    3) How do we create alternative on the booking form the opens up for several more alternatives, tied to the first one.
    For example: if somebody includes additional bookees (persons) on the same bill, could that choice produce new alternatives on a “pop up” or “toggle” – what do they want to eat, etc OR if I am a member, how can that open up for special price, as opposed to a non member -price or a student-preice , without having to create long, forms with several price alternatives?
    Grateful for assistance


    enter image description here

    Esbjörn Börjeson
    1. Typically the form occupies the width of the page. (Though mileage may vary depending on your theme). You can always make any necessary adjustments to your theme’s style.css
    2. You can use the e-mail tag %form_submission% to display a table detailing the entries made to the booking form
    3. Conditional logic in the booking form is unfortunately not yet supported. If you’re using a membership plug-in then it is possible to adjust the price or add a discount . This however would require a fair bit of custom code to implement. I can point you in the right direction as to how to implement membership discounts, or if it’s something you’d like to hire me to implement for you then feel free to get in touch via this form.
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for a rapid answer =)

    Esbjörn Börjeson
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