3 things: Custom CSV, 'cancelled' view, 'my bookings'

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature 3 things: Custom CSV, 'cancelled' view, 'my bookings'

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Stephen,

    I have three feature requests. As usual, apologies if these features already exist, but I couldn’t find any mention of them anywhere.

    1. Custom CSV bookings export – my client has added a number of custom fields to his booking form. Ideally he’d like to be able to have all these fields included in the booking CSV export so that he has a one-sheet roster. I think I’ll be able to customise the current CSV export tool to do this, but a general solution would be very nice. Even if it was just a single selector for ‘include all custom fields’
    2. ‘Cancelled’ view in bookings screen – the bookings screen currently has filters for All | Confirmed | Pending. A fourth option, ‘cancelled’, would be very useful as my client has cancelled a number of bookings by accident and currently has no way to retrieve them.
    3. ‘My bookings’ portal – this is potentially a much bigger piece of work, but would be very useful. Currently the customer has no way to go back to a booking and manage it, including viewing the details and, most importantly, adding payment to a booking that hasn’t already been paid for.




    Andrew Shankie

    Ok, scratch #1 — that’s just the ‘download bookings’ rather than ‘download tickets’ function. Cool!

    Andrew Shankie
    1. Yup, already in the plug-in. I decided not to include it in the ticket export because the booking meta pertains to the bookings rather than tickets. Ticket meta (i.e. attendee details, seat allocations etc.) are on the roadmap and these details will be available when exporting tickets.

    2. Cancelled is equivalent to deleting bookings. A ‘trash’ feature is on the road-map as part of an overall of the internal booking status API. The idea being that developers can register their own booking statuses that is particular to their clients needs or extensions can do likewise (e.g. for deposits). It’s likely that with this change a ‘trash’ feature will be introduced and “to cancel” a booking will be changed so it ‘trashes’ the booking, and a ‘delete’ option will be added.

    3. This may be a little further off, but still possible. Currently attendees can view bookings if you use the [booking_history] shortcode (http://wp-event-organiser.com/pro-features/shortcodes/booking-history-shortcode/). This may be absorbed into a deposit extension – which would require users be able to pay the remaining amount of a booking.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for your replies, Stephen.

    I’ll have to try the [bookin_history] shortcode.

    Andrew Shankie

    We also need the possibility to export the data of custom fields from our booking form. Is there any ETA? We would need it in February.
    Should we go and export all data by copy and paste to excel, or is there a chance that this feature would be there right in time for us?

    Jan Wildefeld

    It’s already there 🙂 When you click ‘download bookings’ you can select which custom fields to include in the export.

    If you want to download only bookings from a certain event, first filter the admin page by that event (by clicking the event’s name) and then click ‘download bookings’. You cannot export tickets with the booking data – as the data is linked to a booking, not a specific ticket and each booking may have multiple tickets.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you very much Stephen. I found the option and tried it.

    There is one more problem: The created csv uses , as seperator. However our clients also use , as separator in there sentences. Excel got kind of hickup wehen importing the values. Is there any way to change the separator of the csv (maybe to TABstop)?

    Thanks in advance

    Jan Wildefeld

    Hi Jan,

    There should also be a text delimiter setting in Excel. Here’s an example line:

    "1227","Free event","admin","fake@email.com","1","0.00","","2014/01/07 11:20:28 AM","confirmed","This is some text, with a comma"

    The values are encapsulated in double quotes: " .

    In 1.6/1.7 I’ll add in options to change this to gives users more freedom in setting the format of the exported file.

    Stephen Harris

    Soble checked the file: It happens that some users wrote a word in “” and so excel thought the text-string ends. That was the reason for our hickups. I removed this certain case manually from the file. Now everthing works perfect. Thank you very much for the excellent and fast support. I’m looking forward for new export option in 1.7.

    Jan Wildefeld

    You’re welcome :). Could you provide me an example of what value is causing problems. E.g. what value has the user entered and how does it appear in the CSV file? I’m struggling to replicate the issue. Double quotes in the user-entered value should appear duplicated in the CSV file. E.g. the second line has a value This is a text with a "quote".:

    "1227","Free event","admin","fake@email.com","1","0.00","","2014/01/07 11:20:28 AM","confirmed","This is text, with a comma."
    "1228","Free event","admin","fake@email.com","1","0.00","","2014/01/07 11:20:56 AM","confirmed","This is text with a ""quote""."

    Those lines work without issue (with , delimiter and " text delimiter) – but that maybe because I’m using a different application to open it.

    Stephen Harris
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