3.2.0 wp-hooks?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #39797


    Could you please elaborate a little what this means?
    3.2.0 – 24th April * bugfix: Fixed incompatibility with wp-hooks

    It sounds serious but i have not noticed any issues (we are on Version 3.1.1 now).
    What is likely to be effected?



    Hi Anders,

    Event Organiser Pro used to ship with the ‘wp-hooks’ javascript library before it was included in WordPress itself. Its a javascript “port” of the PHP filters/actions and was included to allow extensions to modify the booking form (e.g. so discount codes extension could modify the total on the client side). The WordPress-bundled version is newer, and had a breaking change.

    However the WordPress-bundled version of wp-hooks is not loaded by default on the front-end but where another plug-in caused it to be loaded it caused an issue (in particular discount codes appeared invalid).

    The update just switched to using the WordPress-bundled version. So unless you are using discount codes – you can upgrade without any adverse effects. If you are using discount codes, just ensure you’re using the latest version of discount codes.

    Stephen Harris
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